Get up from the ground

As simple as this test is, and as unbelievable as it sounds, there is a correlation between being able to sit down and rise up from the ground without help and life expectancy. Generally speaking, the more our body is capable of doing and the more we can do with it, the more life we get to enjoy.

Simply saying, having the ability to complete the test is a sign of a good level of control, stability, and reflexes, healthier joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which helps to reduce the chances of falling, and even if it happens, the recovery will be faster.

The baseline goal is not to become a circus performer but to be able to execute basic movements that help us get through the days without discomfort or pain and to have increased chances when something unfortunate happens to us. It’s only a bonus that this simple drill can be practiced basically anywhere and we can use it throughout our whole life – no one will ever benefit as much from a heavy bench press (or some other gym things) so chose your battles wisely.

After all these, I have 3 questions for you:

  1. Do you think you should be able to sit down on the ground and stand up without using your hands to support you?
  2. Can you think of different ways to make it happen?
  3. Can you make it happen? (You need to be stable so falling backward at any point is not acceptable.)

And a bonus:

+1. Once you sat down, can you also lie down and sit back up while keeping your body stable?