
Category Posts.

Shoes and footwear

When it comes to training, I often emphasize the importance of choosing shoes that don’t restrict your feet, as this can significantly enhance your performance. The right shoes can reduce discomfort, joint pain, and swelling while increasing stability and range of...

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Foot 101 – From grounding to gait

The foot is a remarkable structure that plays a vital role in movement, balance, and stability. With 26 bones, numerous muscles, and intricate joints, the foot is designed to adapt to different surfaces, absorb impact, and propel the body forward. Understanding the...

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The Infrasternal Angle (ISA)

The Infrasternal Angle (ISA) is a representation of an individual’s respiratory strategy. There are only two: inhalation and exhalation. The ISA reflects the strategy the body is using to most easily direct air in and out via the path of least resistance. The...

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