As most of us probably don't think much about breathing in general, any effort we make to improve and control it will be beneficial - so which method we chose becomes only a secondary question. The BEST way of doing ANYTHING is the one that we actually DO. There is no...
Cold showers
The main reason I started doing cold showers is just to do something once again that I hate with a passion as I believe eventually that will make me tougher. Obviously, there are many benefits of it apart from that and you can learn about them in this video....
(Home) Officing
The problem with sitting down is not necessarily the sitting itself. To understand this better, let's go around the topic from two different perspectives. One is a stability question. To maintain a stable position of the body, we use three things: the feet, the...
There are many things that we do as kids and they just feel natural. Nobody teaches those things to us, we just figure them out. Then fast forward to a couple of years later and we are just scratching our heads surprised wondering why is everything going downhill and...
Toe spreaders
If you want to be better at anything (pain free, move well, rich, educated, whatever) you have to put effort into it - but it doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. In this series, I list what I believe is important to have/know/do to improve performance, correct...
Resting positions
Training is great, but even if you work out every day, it still only takes a few hours a week which is just a fraction of the time that we spend resting. Since we become good at what we do the most, it can be quite beneficial to rest in positions that do us good and...
Mouth taping
I know. If this is the first time when you hear about putting tape over your mouth, this might seem a bit odd. But hear me out. I talk a lot about the importance of nasal breathing and I also recommend quite a few resources all over the place if you are interested in...
Sleeping is easy. Our lifestyle and rhythm just often make it difficult. Go to sleep when the sun goes down in a well-ventilated, not too warm place, breathe through your nose and wake up naturally when the sun comes up, feeling fresh. It is this simple. Circadian...